Sunday, August 05, 2007

Board members are the only members that have the password to sign on and post new postings. If you are a board member, I encourage you to post a message on the blog to test the system. If it is your opinion that the blog has potential for our chapter be prepared to discuss that matter when we meet at our next board meeting. Try to post a picture or two, send information of interest to the general membership. Try not to use the blog to send messages of interest to only one member. This is a public forum, not an alternative to email.


Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I think this is great! It appears to be easy to work in, and it looks like a nice means of communicating with the Eagle members and the Board. From my experience, it would appear an excellent means to help the nominating committee to communicate, and to get some help from the members on their nominations for the various officers.

Very thoughtful and well done.

Bill Pratt

There is more than one way to get UP around the Silver Eagle Bus Manufacturing facility. While visiting the Silver Eagle Bus Mfg. rally more than one of our members got a little lift. Ask around and see if you recognize the bus on the lift.

Bus'n USA just wrapped up with a respectable 19 eagles in attendance according to the Bus'n USA newsletter which came today via the internet. You might want to pull up that newsletter and come up to date on that event.

Eagles International's next rally is scheduled for September 28-30 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Wayne and Lin Schell are the rally organizers and will be assisted in hosting by two other couples. This is an especially good time of year to visit in the Colorado mountains. Take a few minutes to give consideration to making this rally a part of your bus travels experience. If you are interested please contact Wayne to let him know you are planning to attend as meal arrangements as well as parking must be planned. If by chance your newsletters and member roster has taken to hiding itself as mine often do give me (505)379-3128 a call and I can get Wayne's contact numbers for you. I am not comfortable publishing everyone's phone numbers on the net.

Immediately following the Colorado Springs Rally in September we have a rally scheduled to coinside with the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta at the Fiesta RV parking area(adjacent to the Balloon Field). October 5-7, 2007. Jan Corbin and Donna Bezy are the organizers for the Albuquerque rally. Same story on contacting them for reservations. If you can't find your roster give me a call.

The organizers of these two rallies have put a lot of thought into your comforts and conviences in planning these rallies. Please consider attending, even if your previous plans did not include these rallies. I am confident you will enjoy both rallies, meet new bus friends, and experience a memorable bus trip.

Dave St. John, President
Eagles International 2006-2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

This is a test to see if I can post a photograph from the April 19-21, 2007 Rally held at the Silver Eagle Bus Manufacturing Plant in Brownsville, Texas.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

This is a new blog created for the members and friends of the FMCA Eagles International. Anyone who owns a converted Eagle Bus will want to follow the postings on the blog.